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My practice investigates notions of site-responsive spaces, the object, and associative politics. While analyzing themes found in Minimalism I draw a comparison between past and present forms of representation, specifically critiquing histories of female-identified representation and male-dominated positions of authority.
I reference the confines of Minimalism through the use of geometric forms, repetition, and a focus on materiality. I seek to expose space, power, and control, through the reorganization of ergonomics, making space for dysfunction and drawing attention toward cultural, political, and social function. Exploring the hidden labors of the female leads me to ideas of process and conceptual art, in contrast, as a reaction to the presence of male domination within architecture, public and private institutions. My interruption of these spaces functions through the action of a female body performing labor in order to disrupt the male hierarchies that is embedded within the confines of the site. I use these understandings to question physical space and the structures that house them. I promote a sense of unease through the subversion of function.
Labor endurance works reveal a struggle when faced with a patriarchal system that is predominantly male directed. While investigating areas of unease and exposing elements of failure and malfunction, my practice shifts between the site-specific and the site- responsive; it engages with a variety of methods that promote social and politic critique. Works often begin with the re-articulation of physical elements in a given site to bring attention to ideas of structure, support systems, and existing architecture.
Fundamentally, my re-organization of materials and sites is a device for questioning the politics of place, and the bodies that inhabit them. Through the process of intervention, I seek to exhibit physical re-organization of a specific site as to further which questions, destabilizes, and disrupts function as a social critique.
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